75 days to go!

Today was Sohum’s monthly chemo and pentamadine appointment. This morning he woke up not feeling too good. His stomach didn’t feel good. He didn’t want to eat anything or even drink anything. I still was able to get him to have oats and half a slice of avacado toast for lunch. He did feel like throwing up the entire time. But, just kept everything in control.

His appointment went if okay. His port access caused him extra pain today. His ANC was 660 (which is pretty low), but everything else was good. It was a three hour long appointment. But, it’s done now and he is home.

Austin (second kid who was diagnosed a few weeks before Sohum) gets done this week. I cannot believe that we are getting to this stage. When I see moms writing about being in frontline part of the treatment, my heart hurts for them. I really wish I could do something to comfort them. But, it’s a journey that we have to go through and come out stronger.

Two more appointments to go. Praying for everything to go smoothly. Sohum is enjoying his virtual classes of 5th grade!

That’s all!


48 Replies to “75 days to go!”

  1. The longest wedding veil was longer than 63 football fields.

    If you thought Meghan Markle’s wedding veil was long, get this: there’s a woman in Cyprus who set the Guinness World Record for the longest wedding veil. How long was it, you ask? Nearly 23,000 feet, which is the same length as about 63.5 football fields.

  2. “Bluetooth” technology was named after a 10th-century king, King Harald Bluetooth. He united Denmark and Norway, just like the technology united computers and cell phones.

  3. Bananas are berries… and strawberries aren’t!
    Bananas are actually classified as berries, while strawberries are members of the rose family.

    Here are some seriously cool facts about bananas!

    Bananas can float in water
    Bananas can help improve your mood and lower blood pressure
    Rubbing the inside of a banana peel on a mosquito bite can help keep it from itching
    Humans share about 50% of their DNA with bananas!
    Crazy right?!

  4. The story of the sandwich
    This lunch time classic is said to have been invented by the Earl of Sandwich. An avid gambler, John Montagu was on a 24-hour streak and did not want to leave his table. He wanted to eat without having to put his cards down… thus the sandwich was born!

    One small step for man, one giant leap for…. sandwiches?

    Another fun fact about sandwiches is that one has been smuggled into space!

    Astronaut John Young smuggled a corned beef sandwich onto his spacecraft for a six-hour mission. The sandwich didn’t go too well in zero gravity conditions and could have actually had grave consequences. Floating crumbs or debris could have caused serious damage to the shuttle, but luckily they returned unharmed. NASA have since taken steps to ensure no sandwich goes into space again.

  5. Hot dogs
    It’s not clear where the hot dog originated from. Some say it was invented in the Austrian city of Vienna by two Austro-Hungarian immigrants who took the recipe with them when they left for Chicago. Others say that it originated from Frankfurt, Germany, while another state that a butcher from Coburg, Germany, invented the hot dog in the late 1600s.

    In any case, Americans eat approximately 20 million hot dogs a year, especially during baseball games. About 18.5 million hot dogs were consumed during the 2015 Major League Baseball season!

  6. Avocados are fruit
    Avocados are classified as a berry with a large seed. Avocados must be picked when matured in order to ripen, which can take between 1-2 weeks. In Spain and Mexico, avocados are called “alligator pears” due to their shape and bumpy, green skin, while in India and China, they are referred to as “butter pears”. This healthy food is good for you too! They’re a great source of vitamin C, E, K, and B-6.

  7. Banks have therapists known as ‘wealth psychologists’ who help clients who are unable to mentally cope with their immense wealth.

  8. Dogs have been banned from Antarctica since April 1994. This ban was made because of concern that dogs might spread diseases to seals.

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