104 days to go!

Today was Sohum’s spinal tap. He had a really long day at the clinic and the hospital. We started at 8.15am and ended at 3.30pm. He could not eat anything during that time. He felt so weak by the time he got back home. But, we were glad that it was done. The good news is that the doctor told us that 26th Oct is Sohum’s last spinal tap and that will be the day when his port comes out. It will be one of best days ever. We are all eagerly waiting for it.

Today is our festival of Rakshabandhan where a sister prays for a long life for her brother.

Once Sohum got home, we celebrated together. It was a good end to the day.


58 Replies to “104 days to go!”

  1. Australia contains a number of pink lakes, but the most stunning is the Pepto Bismol-colored Lake Hillier. The color may be the result of certain algae. (australia.com)

  2. At over 29,000 feet tall, Mt. Everest is the highest point on Earth, but it doesn’t compare to the deepest point on Earth, the Mariana Trench, which is over 36,000 feet deep—nearly seven miles—in the Pacific Ocean.

  3. Only two people have ever swum the entire length of the 2,350-mile Mississippi River: Slovenian long-distance swimmer Martin Strel in 2002 and American former Navy SEAL Chris Ring in 2015. Strel swam for 68 days in a row; Ring took one day off a week, taking 181 days. (strel-swimming.com)

  4. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  5. There’s a world record for the holder of the most world records: Ashrita Furman, who’s set more than 600 records and currently holds more than 200. His records have ranged from fastest mile on a pogo stick, longest time to hula hoop underwater and greatest distance travelled on a bicycle balancing a milk bottle on the head. (guinnessworldrecords.com)

  6. Julia Child was a terrible cook until well into her 30s.

    She lived on frozen meals for several years, and during one of her early attempts at making a meal from scratch, she set the oven on fire.

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